Labs: Another Good Reason to Choose Direct Primary Care

Therese E. Adams, NP is a graduate of Chamberlain College of Nursing in Addison, IL. Mrs. Adams joined Dr. Joseph Starkman, D.O. in his Libertyville, IL Direct Primary Care clinic in December of 2020. Here, she practices her love of Holistic Medicine and enjoys having the time to develop close relationships with her patients.
Recently, a friend of mine showed me the bill for her yearly screening labs. Although I was shocked, I wasn’t surprised.
Annual labs are an important part of monitoring your general health as an adult. Most people know we check for issues like anemia and high cholesterol. We can also see if you are low in B vitamins, determine immune health, check inflammation levels, and see how well your liver and kidneys are working. There’s a lot that can be learned from a simple blood draw, it’s really quick for most people, and not very invasive – compared to a colonoscopy!
As a DPC clinic, our members pay a monthly membership fee. We do not accept insurance. This allows us to offer lab tests at a fraction of the cost compared to other facilities. Check this out:
Osteopathic Healing Arts yearly labs = $75
Hospital system yearly labs = $828.05
My friend falls within our $70-per-month pricing tier. One year of membership for her equals $840: An amount she would have to pay out-of-pocket for annual labs anyway in the traditional medical system (assuming she has a deductible to meet through her insurance plan).
Americans are struggling with skyrocketing insurance premiums and tend to choose low-premium/high-deductible plans. These folks end up paying out-of-pocket – twice! First for their premiums, and second, for their services until these high deductibles are met, which may not even happen within the year! Direct Primary Care is the answer. You receive quality care and are able to get good value for your dollar!